Today’s blog isn’t so much a new thought, as it is a follow-up to a previous story. A couple of weeks ago, I shared a story of an amazing experience […]
I’ve written before about the ups and downs of being an empath, and about how being extraordinarily energetically sensitive comes with a wide range of feelings and emotions. I keep […]
This afternoon I was speaking with a friend and sharing (okay, whining) how I was frustrated with how tired and drained I was feeling today, and overall in the last […]
We all know, intellectually speaking, that no one is perfect. However, for a perfectionist, Type-A personality such as myself, we may “know” it, but honoring it and being [...]
If you have been following my blogging journey over the last several weeks, you probably noticed that I did not blog yesterday. I took a day-trip to the Berkshires to […]
After a slow, long, and somewhat challenging winter, receiving confirmation from two potential clients this morning that they wanted to book reading parties with me this spring, combined with [...]
I would be among the first to say I am grateful to see the arrival of spring and departure of a long and rather arduous winter! Cold temperatures and snow […]
Lately, it seems that almost everyone I come into contact with – friends, colleagues, clients, even complete strangers – are experiencing waves of extreme emotions and profoundly [...]