When was the last time you truly let go? I’m not talking about letting a little minor detail or experience pass by or get shrugged off. I’m talking about fully […]
Most of us – especially those of us who do any sort of coaching, mentoring, or public speaking – know that words are very important and have tremendous power and […]
You don’t have to look very far in the news over the last 24 hours to hear about “The Dress That Broke the Internet,” as CNBC called it. My choosing […]
I’ve blogged before about being an empath. But over the last year or so, I have become even more aware of just how much of an intuitive “sponge” I am! […]
Have you ever experienced a moment that touched your heart so deeply, so profoundly, that it left you at a loss for words? A moment that made you question everything, […]
The law of attraction. When you believe, you will see. As you sow, so shall you reap. What you focus upon expands. These phrases all mean the same thing. Since […]
In a lot of spiritual and metaphysical circles, the word “empath” gets thrown around quite a bit. But what is an empath, really? Firstly, let’s get something clear – Being [...]
What activities did you love to do when you were a kid? I’m not only talking about your earliest years, but what about when you were a pre-teen and teenager? […]
“I’ve heard of Reiki – but does it really work?” I get this question often. Reiki – and other forms of energy healing – are becoming more popular and widely [...]