Keep Going . . .

 In Blog, Life Lessons

keep_goingWinston Churchill once said something VERY wise: “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” This can be a hard thing to do when you are struggling and challenged – physically, emotionally, or spiritually – but there is such truth to this. Each person’s version of “hell” appears different, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that it can be an intense, exhausting experience.

I have been through very difficult experiences before – particularly physically. Returning home from college on a medical leave in 2002 was one . . . surgery and rehab in 2012 was another . . . and there have been other experiences that felt like “hell” to me physically before. But right now I am experiencing an intense emotional state these days that feels like another “hell” of sorts. I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but the emotions – especially for someone as empathic and energetically sensitive as myself – it is exhausting, challenging, and painful (to varying degrees from day to day).

One thing that was really amazing – as I was moving through a particularly emotional moment today – was that as I was having a crying jag in a local conservation area, I had a “visit” from a bright red cardinal, and a wild turkey. Those beautiful birds were – in my mind – signs from Spirit that I indeed am not alone in my experience, regardless of how I may feel. It brought a smile to my face and definitely lifted my spirits. 🙂

So, if there is anything I know, it is this: I most certainly don’t quit. It may be challenging, even painful or sad at moments, but that is why I have therapy and the wonderful creative outlet of music. This will pass – and in the meantime, I just plan to keep going, as that is, in this moment, all I can do.

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  • Lin

    Another quote attributed to Churchill (which he may or may not have said :>) :

    “Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” –Winston Churchill

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