All Relationships Are Mirrors

 In Blog, Life Lessons

All_relationships_are_mirrorsI have heard it said before, and – although I might hesitate to admit it – I tend to agree, that each relationship in our lives is like a mirror. Some reflect the areas in which we shine and radiate our joy and brilliance; others reflect the areas in which we are challenged or struggle to be at our brightest.

Today I had the joyful experience of connecting on the phone with a very dear friend that I hadn’t spoken with at length since before the holidays. We spoke for over an hour and caught up on our lives and all that has happened in the last few months. Now in my mind, not much has changed in my outer life since I had last spoken with this friend. I am still living in the same location, my outer appearance is relatively the same (except for a different hair color), and everything else in my world is relatively similar to what it was in December. In some ways, my inner critic was once again screaming at me about what a “failure” I was because there were so few changes. I saw all of the changes I she was making, all of the major ways in which her life had transformed and shifted, and began to feel a bit jealous, as well as angry at myself for not “doing more” or “being more.”

After talking with this friend, however, my self-judgment and perspective had lightened considerably. I found myself actually laughing at how critical I’d been at myself, and seeing the areas that I was succeeding and thriving mentally, emotionally and spiritually, even if my physical world wasn’t showing it just yet. I began to feel more faith that the physical and material world WILL show it, as long as I continually and consistently keep taking steps towards my own healing and betterment. What a shift in thought! Then I realized – part of the reason I felt so light after talking with her is that she was a mirror for me! All of the beautiful shifts and transformations I saw in her world were simply a reflection for me to acknowledge myself and my progress.

So, whether or not we like to admit it, each relationship and interaction truly is an opportunity to look at ourselves in a new light – whether it is a light to acknowledge our progress, or a light that invites us to honestly but lovingly examine our situation and make changes appropriately. And we, too, are mirrors for others. What are we mirroring for one another? 🙂

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