Restlessness . . .

 In Blog, Life Lessons

restlessnessBeing clairaudient, there have a been a lot of times where friends and clients have said, “What is it like to be in your head? How do you turn off your gifts?” The funny thing is that I can turn down the voice from Spirit when I’m not reading (for the most part) – but the inside of my head can still be VERY loud. I’ve shared before about my inner critic, and how loud it can be (and is, often). But today wasn’t so much the inner critic going, as it was an inner sense of restlessness. From the minute I got up this morning (and I slept in!), my brain started:

I feel alone.
I feel angry.
I feel frustrated.
I feel stuck.
I feel restless!!!!

There is a part of me that, as I have shared before, just wants to pick up and GO somewhere. I don’t really care where . . . just get in my car, me and my cat, and just GO until I can’t go anymore. I know that’s the geographical cure, but does it ever sound nice right now. I want to travel. I want to move. I want to go and share the work that I love and be of service to individuals and groups. I want to play. I want to LIVE. I’m feeling like I’m not really “thriving” these days – I have moments, but they aren’t long-lasting. In some ways, I feel like since I’ve started doing the “deep healing” work and having more awarenesses about myself, I’ve become more stuck and more stagnant. I know that’s just a feeling and not necessarily the truth . . . but it’s pretty convincing. So, I’m sitting with my restlessness, as I don’t have much choice but to do that in the moment.

. . . and THAT is what is on my mind today. 🙂

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  • Lin

    “RESTLESSNESS is discontent, and discontent is the FIRST NECESSITY OF PROGRESS. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure.”
    –Thomas A. Edison

    Here’s to PROGRESS! :>)

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